takin' everythin' for granted

i have a brutal habit of taking things for granted in my life. all the moments and people God has blessed me with...everything. i wish i could live so much of my life over so that i could change my attitude towards people and events in my life. i think i get wound up in life rushing by that i don't stop to realize what i've really got going on.
i have started taking some pictures and looking at them i start realizing that they represent those moments. not the moments where i'm sitting on the bank of a river taking a picture of a sunset or for the mist to settle just perfectly or to get the angle just right on a flower but the moments in my life that i should have just stopped moving, stopping thinking, stopping doing and just held my breath. the picture here of the reflection is what illustrates that for me. holding my breath. life stops - the phonecalls stop, traffic stops, emailing stops, and i can just look at God's Glory that is ever-present in my life. the smiling kids who tromp through camp on a weekly basis, nature, everything. everything simple and complex - how awesome is the God i serve.
i guess i encourage you to take a moment today. hold your breath and just absorb His greatness.

peace out,
That's cool. I know I'm brutal that way, especially with friends and family. But hopefully with God's help I'll get better. I know what you mean for sure. This summer I really had to appreciate and re-learn grace all over againL what grace is and what grace means for me. But yeah, hopefully things are going good with you. I don't know when I'll see you next but hopefully sooner than latter. Have a good one, take care and God bless.