finn the seal clubber

2006 has come and gone and now we're in 2007. there are a couple times during a typical year that i feel reflective and experience mixed years is one of them and my birthday is another. and maybe it's not so much a reflection as it is a self-assessment. and mostly that is what causes the mixed feelings...wondering if i have missed something this last year and wondering what the future holds because i'm not one to cement myself into a way of life or get stuck in a rut. i'm very open to change and new things. i get mixed feelings around my birthday because i hate growing older. i hate the thought of not being able to do the things that i love to do now (ride horses...and come off them without major injury), play rugby, climb, hike, whitewater raft. i think i'm too much of a free spirit to grow old.
but the days pass and i get over all of it. life gets into a psuedo-routine and i enjoy it to almost full-capacity (there's some sleeping in that cuts in on the "full capacity").

and then there's new year's resolutions. things that we decide this time of year to do that will make our lives better in the long run and yet 90% of people never follow through on them. why make them? maybe for a moment in time it actually makes us feel better about ourselves because we've decided to make our lives better or maybe somebody else's life better. all i know is no matter what time of year you decide to do something, it takes a hell of a lot more effort to follow through and make good of that decision than most of us are willing to give. everything takes effort and most things - if done well - require some kind of sacrifice. so maybe if people started making new year's sacrifices instead of new year's resolutions things would actually get done...or maybe they wouldn't. so anyways, here are my new year's sacrifices:
- food that does me no good (this does not include coffee...that i will not sacrifice)
- my own interests and myself when it comes to spending time with my d & sm - they deserve my love and efforts as much as the rest of the people in my life
- sleeping in (time to get working out again)
that's my list. i'm not going to make it long because i think those will keep me busy as it is. i hope that if you made a resolution/sacrifice this new years, you will be able to keep it. honestly i do. i think that there's a lot to be said for someone who follows through on a personal challenge...sometimes those are the hardest challenges to be successful at. good luck and the best to you this coming year!
peace out
"The LORD bless you and keep you;
the LORD make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you;
the LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace." numbers 6:24-26
hey cort, sounds like you are going to have a good year ahead of you...i hear you bought a camera...which one? curiosity compels me to ask...i sell them for a living these days so im interested...any ways ill see you in a couple weeks talk to you later
ReplyDeletei bought the canon rebel xti. i also got a battery grip, 75-300 lens along with the standard 18-55 wide angle. i also have a UV filter.
ReplyDeletei think it's worth more than everything else i own...but i'm very excited about it.
if it makes you fell better you get older but your body wont look older. I would never have guessed that you are 25 you look like you are yenger like 21