have you seen him?

well - it would seem that i have walked into a rather awkward subject. i may have been caught mentioning that i have "singlitis" - disorder that attacks almost everybody and can appear at any stage of life. the disorder can last for hours, days, months, years, even decades (i'm not there yet...thankfully). the disorder causes one to be lonely and without significant other. while there is a cure for singlitis - sometimes it takes a bit of time to get over it.

but i was asked by dale in my last update if there were any specs...and maybe if i get the word out i'll be able to get over my singlitis. so dale, here are the specs or atleast some of them:

1. must be a man (of the manly sort)
2. must...like sports...be associated with sports...play sports...watch sports (pick one...but he should probably have some sort of interest)
3. must have had hair on his head at some point in his life (and if he currently has a mullet...well, he and i might have to have a chat)
4. must have a car that is newer than mine (1989 pontiac bonneville)
5. must not have an aversion to coffee (and if he doesn't drink it...that makes him a little sketchy)
6. must like dogs (i have one...and he's not going anywhere)
7. must be okay with dating a consistantly battered and bruised girl (rugby)
8. must like to talk, watch movies, be social, be anti-social (there's a time for everything), laugh, listen to music, listen
9. must dig God
10. i'd like him to have a job...it would be nice.
11. must be just as or more assertive than me (scary - i know)
12. taller than me...but that basically means everybody
13. fit (ish) - or of the fit type
14. fairly tolerant of a partly crazy girl (that's me)
15. can successfully do the "man without" or the movie skit with me and be funny while doing it (after all, those are gold standards of whether or not a person can be funny)

dale, i hope that this helps. i hope that i still have a chance to rid myself of this singlitis. i don't think i have narrowed the field too much...oh gosh - it's hopeless...oh well, i guess i'll just keep on trucking until this problem is solved...if it's ever solved.

peace out - cort


  1. this is a notification that your order has been placed and will be shipped out to you at our earliest convenience.
    Shipping and handling are extra.
    Oh yeah and by the way would you wait for one of my boys :)

  2. errrr....uhhhh.....mmmmmm....
    can i get back to you on that one....maybe in like - 15 years...

  3. Are you saying there's something wrong with everyone who doesn't like coffee? Or just guys who don't like it? Or just that one guy(whoever that may be)?

  4. Yeah, I've seen him . . . however he's married, unfortunately like all the other cool guys. Not to sound pessimistic or anything.

  5. Sounds like my kind of guy. I can't wait to meet him.


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