nearing something different

hey - well, it's less than two weeks until i'm somewhere different, doing something different, and seemingly living another life. honestly it still feels like it will never happen...that things like this don't happen to me and that the bottom will fall out.
right now it just feels like i'm riding summer until these two weeks are over. i'm trying to get as much accomplished and prepared as i can before i step out of my office for 4 months.
i have to be an athlete in two weeks.
i have to be a student in two weeks.
the financial push for the next few months has really started to weigh on my mind as applying for student loans this late becomes messy. but i'm trusting God to help me work through it. i have a couple of jobs lined up to help with that.
i feel like my life is going to be turned completely upside down in the next few weeks.
but at the same time...i know that God's in control. and there's a lot of peace wrapped up in that.
on a lighter note...mike perschon is coming to speak at camp next week. and that is very exciting. if you haven't read his stories check out the link on the right called magik beans. it's fabulous. make sure you start at the beginning - otherwise it won't make sense.
peace out
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