There were so many good pins of the day and so you get a couple...Enjoy!
My first pin is of Francis Chan who is one of my favourite Christian authors. I'm currently getting through his book Erasing Hell
which is chalk full of commentary on what the Bible has to say about
Hell verses what everybody thinks about hell. It's thick...or atleast
that's how I feel when I have been reading it and have to read one
paragraph about 3 times before I can move on. Chan says some pretty
profound things in his books. And this quote is one of them. I think of
all the things in my life that I spend time on - really pointless
things. Things that I want to be successful at that really don't matter
and yet - I fear failing at the really important things. I think many of
us have priorities that could be flipped on their head.
My second pin is complete fun. I have a board called "Things for my Wall" and it's just full of pictures mostly of stuff that I would love to have on my wall at home. I think you kind of need to have the wall space to do it on and considering that I don't have the wall space - all these things for my wall are more for my Neverland home. I'm a huge fan of canvas and I'm a bigger fan of sequences of canvas that work together. Take the whale for example. Super easy to do yourself if you go out and by the paint and canvas. It would be perfect for a kid's room or a bathroom!
What do you have on your walls? What would you take off and put on if you could?
Have a great day and maybe...just maybe - I'll even get in a Super Saturday this weekend (I know...big hopes). Have a great Friday!

What do you have on your walls? What would you take off and put on if you could?
Have a great day and maybe...just maybe - I'll even get in a Super Saturday this weekend (I know...big hopes). Have a great Friday!
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