Merry Christ-mehs.
I don't really want to get on the whole winter hate thing. It's been done so often before but's not that I had the REASON for Christmas. It's that I hate the SEASON of Christmas.
Crappy parking jobs.
Busy malls.
Busy traffic.
Busy grocery shopping.
Busy Post Office. Because Canada Post was doing such a bang up job BEFORE the Season began.
Crappy driving conditions.
18 Christmas dinners. Which you'd think would be a good thing but when you're trying to go gluten-reduced-almost-free's hell.
Wait...was there anything in there about the REASON for Christmas? Well, okay. I do go to a quaint, little church on Christmas Eve to celebrate the birth of our Saviour. It's the only thing that really doesn't feel busy or rushed or crazy. Time nicely stops for 45minutes.
I hate that our commercial, material-obsessed culture has poisoned this time of year. And it all starts on the American Thanksgiving when Black Friday turns humanity into a pack of wild animals who think they're starving. It's sad.
It's sad when companies like The Source reinforce all that buying and needing with a slogan like "I want that". Yes - let's continue to buy things and encourage the next generation to be more wanty and needy than us?!? When ours wants and "needs" drives us to have stuff only creates a larger chasm between what we NEED to live well and what we THINK we need to live well.
That's the real reason that I hate this time of year.
But I started by saying I didn't want to talk about that. That it's been done before but it's so SOOOOO easy to pull out that soap box and start chirping.
I do like my little church service at the little Raven Church which has no power, no heat save for a wood burning oven underneath the church. Everyone lights a candle and quietly remembers the night Christ was born.
I do like listening to my mum read the Christmas Story. Whether it's a children's story adaptation or from Scripture, she chokes up every time. I hope that I never lose that kind of spirit or heart that connects with the moment when love came down in human form to live here on Earth so that He could show us how to live (which is contrary to above) and then die for our sins.
And for all of the crazy snow that we've gotten. I like the amount - the ridiculous amount! Maybe that's why I like it - because it's crazy and because it keeps me home and that crosses some of the items that I hate off the list that I started with. Because if you can't drive anywhere because of the's not busy, you don't have to deal with bad parking, crazy people, busy, or drive. It's super.
I'll be off for right now. I'm not going to call it a resolution...but I'm feeling the need to write more. We'll see how long that lasts this time.
Crappy parking jobs.
Busy malls.
Busy traffic.
Busy grocery shopping.
Busy Post Office. Because Canada Post was doing such a bang up job BEFORE the Season began.
Crappy driving conditions.
18 Christmas dinners. Which you'd think would be a good thing but when you're trying to go gluten-reduced-almost-free's hell.
Wait...was there anything in there about the REASON for Christmas? Well, okay. I do go to a quaint, little church on Christmas Eve to celebrate the birth of our Saviour. It's the only thing that really doesn't feel busy or rushed or crazy. Time nicely stops for 45minutes.
I hate that our commercial, material-obsessed culture has poisoned this time of year. And it all starts on the American Thanksgiving when Black Friday turns humanity into a pack of wild animals who think they're starving. It's sad.
It's sad when companies like The Source reinforce all that buying and needing with a slogan like "I want that". Yes - let's continue to buy things and encourage the next generation to be more wanty and needy than us?!? When ours wants and "needs" drives us to have stuff only creates a larger chasm between what we NEED to live well and what we THINK we need to live well.
That's the real reason that I hate this time of year.
But I started by saying I didn't want to talk about that. That it's been done before but it's so SOOOOO easy to pull out that soap box and start chirping.
I do like my little church service at the little Raven Church which has no power, no heat save for a wood burning oven underneath the church. Everyone lights a candle and quietly remembers the night Christ was born.
And for all of the crazy snow that we've gotten. I like the amount - the ridiculous amount! Maybe that's why I like it - because it's crazy and because it keeps me home and that crosses some of the items that I hate off the list that I started with. Because if you can't drive anywhere because of the's not busy, you don't have to deal with bad parking, crazy people, busy, or drive. It's super.
I'll be off for right now. I'm not going to call it a resolution...but I'm feeling the need to write more. We'll see how long that lasts this time.
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