making our mark

well - i was trying to be witty with the title. i don't know if i was actually successful. but i'm back again to share some candid pics from the weekend. i helped some friends of mine brand on sunday...actually - i more or less just took some pictures and they branded. this was my third year there and i always love it. there were some monstrous calves there. the last one they branded must have weighed several (or more) hundred pounds. i think it was actually a yearling but i could be totally mistaken. when they castrated it...the, uh, well you know, were like the size of a couple of i
was pretty speechless.

on that note...moving on.
the other bit of news that i have is that my high school girls qualified for provi
ncials on monday. it was a pretty crazy day and we left olds thinking that we were playing Chestermere, then okotoks, and then finally ended up in high river. we pretty much decided that we weren't coming home until we had found a team to play. so for the first time ever, the Olds High School will play at ASAA Rugby Provincials. unfortunately our first game is against Fort Macloud. boo. they will be extremely good. But we're at Provincials and that's amazing. also, being the underdogs has always gone well for me. maybe it will go well for the girls.

peace out - and i'll let you know how we did on sunday.
Way to go! Hope you did well