m2 - William Fitzsimmons

i have wanted to wait on this one simply because he is one of my top, top favourites. i have been waiting for the "right time" because he is one of the favourites but i decided last night that there isn't a right time - and that i can't really ramp up to Fitzsimmons. it is kind of pointless. he would be the one that i would unashamedly listen to on repeat for hours. his sings about life experiences and he's been through quite a lot. he was raised by two blind parents in pennsylvania. again...his popularity grew when his music was featured on Grey's Anatomy, however, it is not where i heard of him. he's a lastfm find for me.

William Fitzsimmons

please also note the excessively large beard. if you remember back to joe purdy...i had said that to be a truly successful acoustic rock/folk singer - a large beard is directly proportionate to your success.

other than growing up with two blind parents (who were both recreational musicians), Fitzsimmons produced his first two albums: Until When We Are Ghosts (2005) and Goodnight (2006) on his own and in his house. and beyond music he also has a master's in counselling.

his first album was said to have been largely about his parent's divorse and then one of his more recent albums, the sparrow and the crow (2008) is apparently about his own divorse. i find that his music is very heart-breaking but not in a depressing way. just honest.

i would recommend all of William Fitzsimmons stuff. wholly and completely. obviously he might fall into the "mood music" category for some. there are very few songs that you would be able to "rock out" to but is quiet and soothing and contemplative in nature. great for a cold or rainy day where you can light a few candles and hunker down with a warm pot of tea or coffee.

and for those that are more adventurous in nature and aren't opposed to the abstract - he has an album called derivatives where he takes a bunch of his material and mixes it with electronica and then throws some covers in like katy perry's i kissed a girl.

so there you have it, one of my top favourites. right alongside of U2 (i know, amazing right?) but for very different reasons...i think because there are times when U2 just sit right and William does. i also think that i can identify with some of the stuff that William sings about. so there's that - me relating to some aspect of what he's been through - and he's just a great musician, straight up. i would love love LOVE to see him live.

that's all for now - i bid you farewell and much enjoyment...
peace out,


  1. i just realized how many times i said "favourite" in that post (let alone the first paragraph).

    apparently he's one of my favourites.

  2. Oh, William Fitzsimmons. Whenever my iTunes shuffles around to his music I have to stop whatever I am doing and simply listen.


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