Seeing red

Hey - I just have to say...
I've been through 4 other belt tests and each of the other tests were a little more nerve-racking and a little more...I don't know - pressure-ish. And nobody really applies the pressure on me except me. I have a bad habit of expecting the world from myself and then being disappointed when I can't deliver.
But tonight...I had another promotion and again, I found myself nervous around 3pm. My back has been bugging me and two weeks ago I must have hit the floor 15 times in class because I was messing up on my back spin kicks - which can get traced back to my back injury in December. It was like I had never done a back spin kick before. My tornado kicks were a little less than to be desired but I wasn't hitting the floor every time I threw one. My Master told me not to worry about them but I'm at the level where I need to be able to do them. Not doing them is not really an option.
Sitting around during the test, waiting for other kids to go my back was getting stiff. I figured that this was going to be okay but not stellar. Ma'am was making each one of us do three or so patterns of her choosing just to keep us on our toes. She asked for my patterns 4, 5, and 6 (6 is the pattern for my red stripe which is one belt higher than my blue belt) so I figured right away that I would be testing for my red stripe. Well - I knocked my patterns out of the park. Don't get me wrong, my patterns are top notch - some of the best work that I do but these were sweet. I landed on my mark almost each time and then when I was done my three, Ma'am asked for my 7. Good sign. Again - perfect...minus the hammer instead of the knifehand block but I don't know if anybody noticed.
Kicks, sparring, board breaks (jumping snap kick) were all awesome. Step sparring was the part which I thought could have been better but all in all - it was fun and great and I felt super. Happy happy!
I've got my black stripe to go and then I'll be testing for my black belt. Somehow my red belt feels like a milestone...I don't think it's supposed to be but suddenly my black belt seems realistic. And that's cool and scary all at the same time.
I've got a lot of work to do.
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