tuned out

People who know me can probably say a lot of things about me and the technology that surrounds my life. I blog, I'm constantly on Facebook (two thirds I would say would revolve around work), I have satellite and I watch more than my fair share of it, I have a blackberry which connects me to work 24/7 and I have 41 blackberry contacts which keeps me busy some days. But with all of that in my life - I can honestly say that I don't have a problem ditching it when it comes to important stuff...like church or relationships or meals.
Yes. Welcome to my rant. Facebook doesn't actually phase me. I could care less if people really feel led to tell me when they're going to the washroom. Do I think it's necessary or important? No and no. But if you want to broadcast to the world that you're leaving home to go on vacation - so that all the thieves in the world know when to hit your house...fine. Do what you want. Vaguebook? Sure - be a public emotional vacuum. It doesn't affect me...and if starts - I'll defriend you.
But cell phones...and iPads and whatever else resembles those booking-reading-thingies. COME ON PEOPLE! When it comes to restaurants, church, and basic human interaction - like when you're supposed to be interacting with a clerk at a cash register and you can even be bothered to put down your phone so that the clerk doesn't just feel like an ATM.
I guess what brings this on is that I was in church last Sunday and one of the pastors was sitting in front of me and it was obvious by the blue glow on his face that he was playing around on his iPad. I have staff that correct me all the time when I tell them to get off their phones that they are reading scripture...I get it - I suppose I'm still a little old fashion with the whole paper copy-binded leatherness of it all. But this was for over half of the sermon and then he just got up and left. Now - are you going to tell me that he was reading scripture? I didn't think so.
And then last week - I was at Olive Garden with some staff and there was a table right next to us with a girl and a guy who maybe were on a date or maybe were just out together as friends - doesn't really matter - she spent over half of their meal talking on the phone...LOUD talking on her phone. I hate loud talkers. I hate loud talkers at restaurants. I'm paying for an experience...it's like getting your seat kicked at a movie...I didn't pay for THAT experience. Poor guy who she was at the restaurant with. Who wants to spend that much money on food and being ignored.
So basically...I'm wondering if it's possible for people to put down their phones...
...leave them on silent?
...don't bring them to work with you (and I get the...it's part of my work...I get emails on it stuff...I'm in that boat too).
...leave them in the car?
...don't answer them when you're supposed to be interacting with other people (clerks, etc...)
Is it possible? Or are we a lost generation?
Go here... read this. I would copy and paste her eloquence as a comment, but that would be imitation, not inspiration... and that's just plain lame.