will it ever stop?

it seems i can barely find room to breathe. mind you, i think God just slapped me upside the head because i was on the verge of having a pity party for myself and then i checked my friends blog (mike) and read about his craziness. i no longer have a need to throw a pity party for myself. sure i don't get the appropriate amount of days off but atleast i get days off. things here will grind to a stop and then...well - there's always complaining about things being too slow around here. but i honestly don't want to complain about ANYTHING. things are busy out here and that's good it's just that sometimes it would be nice to slow down and enjoy the day.

i'm starting to plan for basketball season. i think we're going to host our own tournement which will be nice. i think we got in a little over our heads last year in some of the tournements that we went to. not that any of the tournements were terrible experiences but some of the teams that we played were insane. i have no idea what kind of players i'm getting but i'm coaching with a really cool person this year and i'm super stoked.

so i got a call from my mom who lives about 45 minutes away saying that their basement was flooding. i left work and sped over there to help bale them out. we calculated that there were 2 gallons of water flowing into their basement per minute. crazy. a backhoe, 8 ft hole, and a trench later we fixed the problem with an additional sump pump. but there's a lot more work to be done with soaking carpets, ruined drywall, and saturated insulation. needless to say, i went home immediately and checked the float on my sump pump. no worries, it works.

until next time,


  1. Pain is all relative. There's nothing worse than someone who says "you think YOU'RE busy?...feh!" We all need the breaks and breathers, and I don't doubt that life is a rush of schedule for you as well. That said, if my misery keeping yours company makes you feel less busy...then good!

  2. crazy times
    hey are you coaching in Sundre area or back here in lethbridge

  3. hey cort.
    while i read your story, i pictured it all in my head. i must say it was entertaining to watch. especially you jumping in your car with koda and speeding down the highway....and then standing in a foot of water getting soaked. i know it wasn't funny for you. but for some reason the picture was to me. just know that i lovey you.

    agghh crap.

  4. hey dale,

    i'm coaching in Sundre. i'm actually the program director at camp full time now...gosh it sounds weird to say that.


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