my new addiction


this is going to be rather short. gosh - it's hard to even admit this. but i have to confess something. i'm addicted to facebook. seriously it's only been like 3 days and i can't believe how great it is. it's like email except more efficient. anyways, if you tend to check up on me here - try facebook (i was sceptical for weeks while people forwarded me and invited me until i finally gave in). try it. i'm seriously finding people who i haven't talked to in years...people that i went to school with back in Spruce View, people i played basketball with in the British Isles, played rugby with in Lethbridge, and people who worked at camp from years back. it's sweet. anyways, here's the link: try it - if you hate it...well you won't. but trust me, the slate will continue to be updated because i love it here.



  1. it's your fault IF the conntest was rigged

  2. you've pulled me in...aahhhhh. i am now on facebook too. oh the power of persuasion!

  3. I'm amazed at facebook as well. I only joined to be a part of the Medeba LDP group so we could connect all the years in one group and then was bombarded with people saying they wanted to be my friend -- how special does that make you feel?! Anways, enough warm fuzzies, facebook is an addiction, but I think a good addiction in many ways when you get to connect to so many people . . . difficult to not turn into a bad addiction though.

  4. i totally agree with you joy. i just laugh whenever facebook says that "courtney and joy are now friends" we weren't friends before facebook.

    truely it was facebook that made us friends.


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