the moment that we've all been waiting for

well - there's been a lot of things that have been going on these last few weeks. mostly it's just been really busy here at camp. we've just come through 3 weeks of 500 kids. we've just past our half way point which in someways seems too soon and in so many many ways - it's been a crazy long summer.

but here it's the's the kit and the caboodle.

back in june when my high school girls team played in calgary at provincials i ran into my old university rugby coach (who is also the coach of the senior women's team). it was good to see him. we made small talk and then he asked what i was doing and how available i was to possibly play rugby for the university again.i left that weekend thinking it was just that...small talk.

a week later i got an email from neil (the coach) seriously asking if i'd come back. i just said that there were too many things that would have to fall into place for it to happen. but i'd look into it.three days evergreen granted me a leave of absence for 4 months (sept. to dec.)i applied to the u of Li started looking into the financial end of things.

i tracked down a place to life in lethbridge.Mid July:the university of lethbridge rejected my application for a number of different reasons.courtney didn't think she was going anywhere at this point.3 days ago.

the university of lethbridge granted me entrance (because i'm an athlete).the rugby program is paying for my 4 weeks i will be back in lethbridge to play rugby and take a good breather from camp so that i can return totally ready to pour back into camp.and so - my life is changing - for the better i think. i think that these next four months will help to give me perspective and rest and a bit of a breather. not that i am an official missionary but this may be like a furlow for me...or it could just be me wanting to take a step closer to getting my ed. degree and an iching desire to knock the snot out of some girls at the university rugby level.

the latter of the three is probably the most there you have it. the moment that we've...well me - uh - have all been waiting for. i guess now that i'm going back to university i need to start writing grammatically correct...nah.

peace out - i'll be around more often now that my life is sort of worked out.


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