still here


i'm still here...mostly. still playing rugby...and still in bc...(well actually in alberta at this exact moment but i will be back in alberta soon). i'll tell you this much...

there's no faster way to find out that you're a small town alberta girl for life than to move to the big supercity of vancouver.

i won't say that i hate but clausterphobia definetely set in and a bit of cabin fever...

not being able to see beyond 1km.
having up to 1000 people touching me...almost at one time.
taking public transit because it's faster...
feeling like downtown is across the province.
driving downtown taking the same amount of time that it takes to drive from red deer to calgary and sometimes...from calgary to edmonton. - ridiculous.
having bc people believe, seriously believe, that all the mountains belong to them. apparently banff, jasper, and waterton don't count for anything...ridiculous.

anyways...but i'm returning to vancouver to play for the province of bc. why? because it helps me achieve my goal of playing rugby for canada. it may happen or it may not. but i have to try.

so stay tuned...i'll be back and just might take 3 months to post something.



  1. Sorry I missed you when you were in Edmonton Cort. Came back from Houston and jumped straight into my summer job, so I've been crrrazy!


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