25 things...for those of you who aren't on facebook...

well here it is. like or not.

1. i played basketball in high school...a lot. like i was meeting the janitor at the door at 7:30am so i could shoot hoops for an hour before school would start. i've been called obsessed but i liked to think of it as dedicated. i went to a really small high school and so i even practiced with the boys. honestly? i believed that i would be the first woman in the NBA...then in grade 12 the WNBA was born and i was going to play in that. obviously we know how that turned out.

2. i like people generally. but i don't know if it's something about being in the service industry or working closely with dozens of people but i'm actually a bit of a recluse in the evenings. i don't mind being by myself and avoiding people. i think that sometimes it comes across like i don't like people...it's not that - i just don't like being around them. ;)

3. i write poetry. currently it comes in the form of fridge poetry (still counts) but when i was in high school i used to write dozens of poems. i look back at them now and think that most of them were really lame but i didn't submit one to a poetry contest and won...it got published or something but we never bought the book.

4. I have a secret (not-so-secret-now) desire to be a surfer. I don't know if it's something about the image or maybe the really hot weather that goes with it but i've just always wanted to be one.

5. i never kissed anyone on the lips (mom not included) until i was 27. it ended up being a foreign rugby player...and it was wonderful. do i regret waiting until i was 27? not at all.

6. i like nearly every genre of music. i have favorite bands or musicians in almost every single one. from ACDC, Andrea Bocelli, tim mcgraw, garth brooks, eminem, britney spears, U2, Chopin, Deathcab, Serena Ryder...I could go on but I think you're getting the picture.

7. i want to travel to new zealand. it's the one place that i want to see before i die. i just dont ever seem to have the money but all i know is that i want to experience the culture and meet the people and see the All Blacks play in their home country before i'm called home.

8. i've never done drugs...illegal drugs atleast. not pot - not anything. i've never had the desire and have never seen the point.

9. I have always wanted to be a cop. it's something that's always been on my mind but i've never acted on it. my life has always just gone a different direction. i have even been encouraged by three different cops on three different ocassions and periods in my life to become a cop. i don't think that it will ever happen though - i love what i do now and i don't see that changing any time soon.

10. i think i'm going to take tai kwon do classes in the fall. i think there's a tiny ninja in side wanting to get out...that's right - i don't have an inner child - i have an inner ninja...oooooh yeeeeaa.

11. i never played rugby in high school. in fact, i never laid eyes on a rugby ball until university. i learned how to play at TWU. i was a flanker my first two years of playing (TWU and U of L). i recently ran into my coach from TWU and I was able to tell him how far I've gone with it and he asked if i was still a flanker...i laughed. if you know rugby at all and you know me, i'm definitely not a flanker (for a millions reasons). anyways, it was good to think back to where it all began and talk to the one person that encouraged me to keep going (he was first person to think that I had a good chance of doing great things with it). there's not many times in my life where i've been able to return to where it all began and thank the one person who helped push me towards the future.

12. i've lived in the same house with up to 11 girls and an iguana before. never again.

13. at one point in my life i think i was actually in love with a boy. tho, i don't think i would have admitted it at the time. it's odd to think about that...i mean it was a long time ago but i still think about him and what would have happened if we had just fought for each other - we wanted to but for one reason or another, we just didn't. hmmmm - unfortunately i don't think it wouldn't have worked, he was a rugby player.

14. i had a crush on vin diesel from the moment that i saw fast and the furious. it lasted for years. thankfully i'm over that illness. the fact that he's only like 5'4" or something like that might have had something to do with it.

15. i had hair past my elbows up until grade 9. i was teased a lot because i always wore it in a ponytail. i went home and cut it all off and had short (like 1 inch long) hair for the majority of high school. i look back at it and regret it...i think i looked like a boy.

16. i lost my first grandparent out of 4 this last week. we were close. we all knew it was comiing but that doesn't change how hard it was. he taught us all through his life to cherish life and live it to the full and love God.

17. i was an obnoxious kid when i was young (maybe still am). in some ways i'm very ashamed of how i ipitomized the "annoying youngest sibling". i vividly remember driving my sister and brother to the point of insanity and then genuinely wondering why they didn't like me. i know they picked on me but in more ways than one, i think i deserved some of it (not all of it of course).

18. i set a barn on fire (intentionally) when i was in grade seven. i'm not proud of it, in fact, up until about two years ago I hadn't barely told anyone. i was angry about life and hated my new school. i'm so glad for grace.

19. i played basketball in the British Isles for a month just before grade 12. i was even invited to mulitiple identification camps for colleges in grade 11. by grade 12 nobody wanted a 5'4" point guard who had a post-player mentality and was built like a freight train....

20. most of the time i'm okay with being single...i keep busy enough that i don't dwell on it too much. but both my siblings are married and are havingg kids. it makes me feel like i'm getting left out or i'm letting my parents down (they are very proud and boastful grandparents) and to top it all off, my cousin who is quite a bit younger than me is getting married. i'll i can offer is a dog (a very nice, well behaved dog) as a token member of the family and act like being alone and single doesn't bother me as much as it sometimes does.

21. in addition to writing poetry...i write...stories. no one has ever read my stories and i suppose no one ever will. but it makes me happy. it's fun to create different places, times, storylines, and characters and make it all work out the way that i want.

22. i go through withdrawl starting about 2.5 months after a rugby season is done. i think most rugby players would agree. it's just the right amount of time to allow your body to heal and begin to gain back that bit of weight and maybe notice yourself getting winded going up flights of stairs or on short runs that usually shouldn't. no matter who i have played for, for how long, where, or what level - 2.5 months and i start getting edgy and surly cuz i'm craving the pitch again. and when i say withdrawl i mean moody, easily aggitated, and edgy...serious withdrawl.

23. one of the best moments of my life to date is in 2007 when the Pronghorns beat U of A in the CanadaWest final 3-0. It was the first time I had been on the Pronghorn team when they had defeated the Pandas. I'm pretty sure I hyperventilated...i had dislocated my pinky literally minutes before the game began. i ran around to my trainer, all of my coaches and finally to the UVic's head trainer to find someone who had the stomach to put it back in place so we could get it taped up and my jersey on before the game started. i ran back on just as the kick off was taking place. This second only to when we won Nationals against the university of western ontario. i'd like to say that i acted all cool and collected when the whistle blew at the end of the game...no - i'm pretty sure i jumped up and down and screamed like a little girl...there's video evidence.

24. i took 12 years of piano lessons. 12. i was able to play at a grade 6 level but i never took Royal Conservatory exams...i did take a couple of Theory exams but that was more for my mom than myself. i stopped taking the lessons when i was in grade 10. i really didn't like my teacher and volleyball/basketball were so important. in retrospect, i regret quitting or atleast not pushing to learn more about what i wanted to do on the piano...like playing by chords. i haven't seriously sat down to play anything on the piano for over 4 years now.

25. i have always been told that i'm a very intimidating person. i've never understood that. yes i can appear confident and forward but i just never understood why people have always just seen me as intimidating. it's bit a point of frustration for me because i can't just change that about me...

here it is...25 things...no judging please.



  1. YOU are awesome! I wish we could be closer...


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