Dispelling the myth

I work at camp. You knew that right? Of course you did.
That's precisely why you think that I just get to sleep and play at the camp once September 1st comes.

No. We have people here for 8 months of the year. And the other four months? We're prepping for the next 8 - which is no small deal. We average 15 hour days all year round and see over 12,000 people through our gates, on our horses, and down our zipline.

Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Courtney and I work at camp full-time. I don't play on climbing walls, I don't ride horses everyday - I clean, belay, email, coordinate hundreds of people wanting their own way, dry tears, break up fights, teach people not to bully, do first aid in life-threatening situations, teach parents to be encouraging, train, teach outdoor education, solve world-ending problems, make dang good coffee, educate people about quality tea, disciple, create mind blowing programs and the next day - I do it all over again. And don't think for a moment that I am making any of this up - take a moment and ask the nearest camp worker what they do.

I don't have an easy job. Camp is not easy - there is no walk in the park out here. Camp is not for the faint of heart - in fact - it's not for the normal heart. It's for people who are super-human because there are very few people in this world that can do what we do out here and at the end of the day love it enough to do it all over again the next day.

So the next time you need someone to volunteer for something and you look at a camp worker...DO NOT let the words..."But you work at camp and summer is over. What else could you be doing?" slip out of your mouth. Because I might just stuff my fist in it.

And for those of you who have (or are still there) worked at camp...I salute you. Keep fighting the good fight.

And if you're going to AEE - this is your magic number of the day:


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