"april showers...er snow...brings may flowers"?

well...it's still snowing. boo.
i think i'll get over it...maybe. it's just that it doesn't feel like april at all. we normally get this kind of weather around my birthday but instead we get it now when we're supposed to be so excited about spring and the trees are supposed to be budding and the grass is supposed to be getting green. pbbbst. (that's my raspberry sound effect).
i hope that everybody's easter is going to be good. i've got a nice chunk of time off. i will be heading up to edmonton for Friday and then i'm back at my mom's for probably the rest of the easter weekend. my rugby practises will formally start in about two weeks but we're having general practises on sundays which are probably going to still kill me because i'm terribly out of shape but i'll get over myself. fitness is always one of those yuky things at the time but later on it totally pays off.
i didn't have much to say other than that. i'm getting over my hair. it doesn't seem as bad anymore but there's still a couple things that i dislike about it but they're easily solved for next time. and the picture is one i took in vancouver. it turned out pretty good even though i'm not one for birds. it's not like i would go out and frame it but it still turned out better than i thought. peace out and have a great easter.
i think a picture of your hair cut would have far more intrensic value to this post and would also be much more interesting to see
ReplyDeleteand yet...i balk again.