why won't you just DIE!

k - here it is...i hate winter.
i know - i know. you're shocked. i can feel you flooredness right through this triple w dot. i have lost the ability to deal with this white curse with any amount of normality. it just keeps coming. however - i remember back to the days of april 2003 and it was much worse that this...however - i desire this just as much as i did then. those were the years when the snow weighed so heavily that all the treetops were breaking off and one fell on my car (my beloved 1990 chev berretta) and we had no power (3.5 feet of snow) and no water and 40 pathfinders (age before or after guides). we were snowed in and it was not very fun. needless to say that i survived and my car had a huge dent in the hood but no other damage.
i think i would take any -25 blizzard over a 4 foot snowfall in april. it just seems less inconvenient when it's cold and there isn't slush and falling trees everywhere. ack.
the worst thing about the snow is that is totally delays rugby for me. i've got my first game for my high school girls next wednesday in olds and we haven't even engaged in a scrum yet. needless to say that i'm a little disconcerted about that. infact...unless we make a special trip into red deer we aren't even going to be able to practise on a scrum machine. this may not make sense to too many people but it's a bit of a challenge in creating an unbeatable scrum. which is what our team is famous for.
and my club team (red deer titans) have our first game in two weeks. ack! and i'm going to be pretty out of shape. ugh! well, hopefully the 17 degrees will ring true for tuesday.
talk to you soon,
I don't like snow either. Seeing it on the ground, at theis time of year, brings saddness to my soul and a sour dissposition to my demeanor.
ReplyDeleteAhh! I can sympathize with your frustration about not being able to get your girls engaging in a scrum before their first game. Our team always had a lack of players at practice, which made it hard to practice when 3 or more of the pack were missing. You will have to let me know when you have rugby games because I would like to see one.