M2 - Shawn McDonald

Here's the M2 of the week though. Shawn McDonald. I fell in love with him back in...I think it was Spring 2007. My buddy Kurtis and I did a roadtrip out to Vancouver that ended up being the biggest, craziest trip to VanCity yet for me. We left after church on Sunday and got to Lake Louise to find that Hwy 1 was closed due to a mud slide so we got hotel rooms and planned on leaving the next day. Well it was closed then too. So we turned south and headed down Hwy 22 to Hwy 3 which goes through the Crowsnest Pass. Long story short - we hit a deer outside of Salmo, BC. Along the way - Kurtis introduced me to many, many lovely artists like Ray LaMontagne, Paulo Nutini, and today's selection, Shawn McDonald. You can read all about the whole ordeal here.
He's got a great acoustic sound and a beautiful voice. I don't think that his albums would be considered worship albums but they definitely fit into that category for me. Shawn's story is one of being broken and at rock bottom, selling drugs and getting into trouble with the law. Through efforts by his grandmother and a neighbor named Chris, Shawn found his way back to God.
He has released 5 different albums:

Simply Nothing (2004)
Live in Seattle (2005)
Ripen (2006)
Scattered Pieces: Live (2007)
Roots (2008)
I'm not really one for live music as far as album purchasing goes. Perhaps it has something to do with few artists meeting my "live action hero" expectations. I have seen some phenomenal musicians live (Jack Johnson, Great Big Sea, Chris Tomlin, Kutless) but there's more than have not met those dauntingly high standards (Bryan Adams, Barenaked Ladies, New Kids on the Block, Third Day, Starfield). There's also a point to be made that I don't get out a lot. So I'm sure there's a lot of artists that I haven't seen live that are wonderful. I just don't get the buying live albums. But Shawn McDonald's live albums are much, much better than his studio albums. If you are looking to invest in this fellow, buy the live albums first.
He seemed to have gone on a album rush and then splat...nothing for the last three years. He constantly on tours and there's a new single called "Closer" released that is indicative of a new album release in the not too distant future. Sorry about the lame-o picture reel. I couldn't track down his videos.
And finally - here's one of my favourite songs of Shawn's. Peace out for now...I'll be back soon.
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