out with the old
...In with the same?
The title on the Starbucks Website is "A Look at the Future of Starbucks". Starbucks has been around for 40 years. Kind of unbelievable to me. I didn't realize that they're that old. But I gu
ess specialty coffees really didn't catch on up north until about 15 years ago...well - maybe they were popular but only for people who could actually afford it. Now everybody drinks regardless of affording it or not. But this is what I don't get.
They're changing their logo.
What I don't understand is why you would want to change a logo that everybody can identify. Isn't that the point of branding? I mean NCIS (the original) has had Gibbs walking around almost every show with a white cup and a circle green logo on it - I'm assuming to look like the Starbucks brand...from a distance. Every once in a while you get a closer look and it's definitely not Starbucks. It's a knockoff and the show probably doesn't want to pay for the product placement or maybe it's just a joke. But you it always crosses your mind that Gibbs is drinking Starbucks. No other coffee company has a brand that is a thick circle with block letters and a naked mermaid in the middle [well - originally naked...they draped her hair over her breasts a few (30) years ago].

Personally - I'm not a huge fan of the new logo. Which isn't really "new" in the sense that it's totally different. Starbucks has basically just removed the circles around the mermaid and taken away their name. Which is a little cocky if you ask me because I would say that their assumption is that everybody will still recognize their brand without their name. I think they're probably right but I just can't imagine how much money it would take to convert all 16, 500 stores over to the new logo...will it be changing on their storefronts? I just can't understand spending THAT much money on a brand switch that really isn't a switch at all. Certainly the money could be used for something else. I feel like protesting the brand switch...but I also feel like that would last about two days until I was craving one of their apple struessel muffins.
The logo looks washed out to me without the circles. The company head guys say that the feedback they've received has been mixed but slightly more on the positive side. Their response to the lack of overwhelming positivity was..."Give it time". In other words - you'll stop caring about the logo when you're going into caffeine withdrawl.
I personally think that Starbucks is at a crossroads. They're turning 40. What does 40 mean? Well...it's ten years less than 50 and a lot of people go through a mid-life crisis around 40. They change their look. That's normal - so here it is - Happy Mid-Life Crisis Starbucks. Can't wait to see what new look you'll have when you turn 50.
The title on the Starbucks Website is "A Look at the Future of Starbucks". Starbucks has been around for 40 years. Kind of unbelievable to me. I didn't realize that they're that old. But I gu

They're changing their logo.
What I don't understand is why you would want to change a logo that everybody can identify. Isn't that the point of branding? I mean NCIS (the original) has had Gibbs walking around almost every show with a white cup and a circle green logo on it - I'm assuming to look like the Starbucks brand...from a distance. Every once in a while you get a closer look and it's definitely not Starbucks. It's a knockoff and the show probably doesn't want to pay for the product placement or maybe it's just a joke. But you it always crosses your mind that Gibbs is drinking Starbucks. No other coffee company has a brand that is a thick circle with block letters and a naked mermaid in the middle [well - originally naked...they draped her hair over her breasts a few (30) years ago].

Personally - I'm not a huge fan of the new logo. Which isn't really "new" in the sense that it's totally different. Starbucks has basically just removed the circles around the mermaid and taken away their name. Which is a little cocky if you ask me because I would say that their assumption is that everybody will still recognize their brand without their name. I think they're probably right but I just can't imagine how much money it would take to convert all 16, 500 stores over to the new logo...will it be changing on their storefronts? I just can't understand spending THAT much money on a brand switch that really isn't a switch at all. Certainly the money could be used for something else. I feel like protesting the brand switch...but I also feel like that would last about two days until I was craving one of their apple struessel muffins.
The logo looks washed out to me without the circles. The company head guys say that the feedback they've received has been mixed but slightly more on the positive side. Their response to the lack of overwhelming positivity was..."Give it time". In other words - you'll stop caring about the logo when you're going into caffeine withdrawl.
I personally think that Starbucks is at a crossroads. They're turning 40. What does 40 mean? Well...it's ten years less than 50 and a lot of people go through a mid-life crisis around 40. They change their look. That's normal - so here it is - Happy Mid-Life Crisis Starbucks. Can't wait to see what new look you'll have when you turn 50.
That seems like a waste of time and money to me. I like the old logo more.