Bucket List? Maybe...

My staff consistently slackline...and I just don't get it. I don't really get the appeal - it doesn't seem like that big of a deal but then you get to find out what actual slacklining is and...hmmm - it takes on a bit of a different look.

I can't say that this would actually end up on my bucket list. It would probably be more likely that this would get stored right alongside of "surfing" in my...in another time and place (and body) I would be a...[ fill in "surfer" or in this case - "slackliner/highliner" ]. Seriously though - check this video out and tell me that it doesn't stir something up in you...like it's madness yet captivating...

I want to do it and though - I know that there is a 99.99999999% chance of it NOT happening. Still...it's captivating.

I think what keeps catching my attention is that all of the slackliners hands are completely limp while they're on the slackline/highline. I wonder if that's a technique to improve balance. Maybe I should try because my balance is horrible.

Did I mention that I likely won't do this...ever? Probably a good idea.


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