my hiatus

okay - so i pretty much deserve all the "you've abandoned you're slate" comments and emails. my bad...i'm so sorry. it's been a crazy week...well two weeks...mmmm month? gosh - it's been just about that since i've updated. i can't tell you how many times i've actually come into my office and signed into blogger with the intent of updating my blog and then get busy doing something totally work.

what? i'm actually supposed to work while at work? oh...i thought i was supposed to facebook and update my blog. hmm! i guess i should reevaluate my priorities.

let's rewind a bit...

the first week of may was staff training. we were able to hire 12 people but we actually wanted 17. that just means that i'm out doing activities (belaying at the climbing wall...taking kids on trail rides, etc...instead of being in my office doing my actual work). it's been pretty busy here but this week is our busiest week of the whole spring so it should get better from here. i even led a trail ride today...i don't think i've been on a horse in a year and a half. i've also moved into my new corner office (heh heh). it's huge and looks great. it's so nice to have space and storage and not have my office looking like a custodial room with shelves and binders strewn about.

i have been practising with my rugby team for about 3 weeks which has been good but there's been weekly interuptions of fundraising obligations and whatnot which has really not helped in getting me in sync. with the team. also - it does not help that we have not actually PLAYED a game yet. it's just how our schedule worked this season. we were scheduled to play banff on may 5th and they cancelled (they still had snow) so we haven't played or even had a game scheduled since. our next game is schedule in red deer at 1:45 on may 26th. i'm looking so forward to killing someone.

my high school team is doing fantastic. actually to be honest...we're perfect. we've played 3 and won 3. two of the games were shut outs by huge margins. tomorrow, however, we play LTCHS which should prove to be a very difficult game. I hope that the girls can pull it together. it would tickle me pink (yes, pink) to have the girls beat thurber. thurber has been the "team to beat" for years...this year it seems that notre dame is but thurber is the headcase team.

i think that catches me up. i'm pretty tired...all the time. i'm on day 3 of a 12 day working streak. sick. anyways, i'll try and get some pictures of the girls playing rugby up on the weekend.

peace out,


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