in the hands of God

i don't think that it's much of a secret when i say that i'm kind of a control freak. i like to know that all is well in the world of courtney. but God has really good ways of reminding me that things go much better when He's in control.

i'm totally going through a "i hate being single and i feel like i'm going to die that way" phase. i struggle with it so much because i just get sick of being alone and knowing that i'm not getting any younger. i have a sister who is happily married with a fantastic new son. my brother and his wife are happily married and are now expecting. and every time i go to a family gathering i get the "when are you going to get married?", "have you met anyone?", and "well, we're just going to have to find you someone for you!" (God please don't let them succeed!). not only that but i've been told a full shotgun of things about being single including:
- God has someone just for you
- Maybe God has asked you to be single for the rest of your life
- You need to be satisfied with being single before God will give you a husband
- I'm praying everyday that God will send you someone (my mom, bless her heart, tells me this almost everytime i see her. her and a handful of other people.)

i feel like i have a disease. it's called singleitis.

onto more important things, my aunt is having surgery tomorrow to remove a cancerous growth. the doctors are very cautious to be optimistic because the cancer was found late and there's spots on her liver. God be with her.

with everything, with all the above stated and some of my friends who are struggling with somethings in their own lives, comes the title of this blog because...where else can we bring and lay down our troubles?


  1. Anonymous9:00 AM

    I know exactly what you mean. In more ways than one.


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