
it seems like that kind of day.
windows that framed the colors of a season ending
now frame the nakedness that remains.
exposed and vunerable.

my heart aches for those who hurt.
helpless. inadequate. clueless.
how do i...when should i...what do i...
what words do i use when all words seem so cheap.
my heart is torn.
reach out. comfort. care.

i guess it just seems like that kind of day.
the cold air on my face speaks of a change coming.
transformation. old to new. anticipation.
hope remains.


  1. Nice work Cort. I can really identify.

    How is the camp life going these days?

  2. Hi there stranger. I like you. Hope Sundre is treating you well. (As good as Sundre can treat a person I guess).


  3. Anonymous9:18 PM

    That was beautiful, Cort. I haven't read something like that in a very long time; thank you.

    P.S.-I've been keeping you in my prayers. :)


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