M2 - Coldplay

This will likely be my next big concert that I go to. Coldplay has been a growing love for me. Kind of like how wine is an acquired taste - one that has to include the culture and a certain amount of snobbery to really get into. Now, don't hear me saying that wine drinkers are snobs. That's not what I'm saying. All I'm saying is that to appreciate wine - you have to embrace the culture, gain the skills and the "look" to truly appreciate it (and be appreciated by those who are wine drinkers). I feel the same way about Coldplay. There first few albums were out of my league. Parachutes, A Rush of Blood to the Head, and X&Y did not receive my appreciation. Everybody was raving about them and owned their albums and I was just avoiding the hype. It could be that my "league" at that time included bands more along the lines of The Headstones, Bon Jovi, ACDC and of course U2. You'd think that with my roots so deeply embedded in U2 I'd have some kind of affinity to Coldplay. Nope - not one bit. I worked at camp and people were all Coldplay this and Coldplay that...I was just apathetic towards the whole thing. I did buy X&Y but if I remember correctly it was so that I could be part of a conversations where the people I considered cool hung out. The cool people all owned Coldplay albums...so I ashamedly owned a Coldplay album.

Sadly - it didn't make me more cool.
It only made me like everybody else.

But then Viva la Vida and Death and all His Friends came out and something started growing on me. I liked about half the songs...really liked half the songs. And so the acquiring of the taste began. And then a year or two after Viva la Vida came out - they put out a remix album which I really liked and songs that I didn't like so much, I liked more.

And then I started to realize that Coldplay had drops of U2 in them. And I liked them even more. I talk about the culture revolving around wine. I think the same goes for bands like U2 and Coldplay...the few pop/rock bands left out there that can float in this alternative/acoustic/synthesized world of sound. Strong beats that sound like the future and history of music all at the same time. So when Mylo Xyloto came out...I was chopping on the bit to get it. And I was not disappointed.
The rock is sweet and I love the little snippets of music between the songs. There's a story on this album. So - unlike what I normally do with my music and listen to it on shuffle all the time...This album gets played from beginning to end - without the shuffle on.

Let's just say - the taste has been acquired...and the coffee shop is about to close so that means I have to go and return to internet-less land. I'll talk to you soon.


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