M2 - Coldplay

Boy oh boy - I'm falling behind on these. Thank goodness for being able to backdate things! So it's been a little while since I've posted anything substantial for M2 and I promise - it's coming but the last half of January is pretty hectic with me on the road for two weeks straight. But I've recently found myself in the possession of the new City and Colour album which is awesome possum - so I'll share the love soon.

But for right now - I just had to share this. I love the new Coldplay album - probably more than I've ever loved any of their other stuff. Is it me or are they like a good wine? Better with age.

A posted this on Facebook and I just couldn't keep it to myself. It's very noteworthy and the piano is great but I'm head over heels for the cello...in any song. So without dragging this on further...Here's a different spin on their Myloto Xyloto flag song Paradise.


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