The End has Come

Over the last few days I've sank into a pretty “terrible” hole. The hole has a name and as I'm discovering – many of you have sank into the same hole...except you've been there, up to your necks in pins and boards and haven't shared about it. Maybe because you didn't want to admit that you were part of this horrible thing or maybe you spend a shameful amount of time looking through all of the wonderful things you can find on it...maybe you were just being selfish.

I'm talking about the worst thing since Facebook. I'm talking about Pinterest. One of my staff members said it is like Facebook on steroids. Maybe. There's less of the interaction stuff. I don't even know if it would fall into the Social Media category. But it's fantastic. It all starts with this board that you have. Think of it kind of like a giant bulletin board. On this giant board you can create a bunch of smaller boards that are like topics (I have Ink, Words, My Style, For My Wall, Favourite Places and Spaces, Places I want to go, Wedding...Maybe) that you can pin pictures or videos to. It's like a giant collection of your favourites. Whatever you find in your world or internet can be pinned on Pinterest. You can follow people and they can follow you so you see what they pin to their boards and they can see yours. The main page that you work off of is a feed of everything your followers and you are pinning to their boards.

For instance, I just created a board called “Toms” which is dedicated to the shoes, Toms, that I love so very, very much. I'm pretty much obsessed. I don't plan on ever wearing anything else in the summer and sometimes when it's winter and grossly irresponsible to wear anything but -40 degree celcius boots...I still wear my Toms. Someday I'll live in a place where I can wear my Toms all year round and have it be appropriate. I think I'm bringing four pairs with me to Jamaica...and then I'm going to buy myself a new pair for my birthday...and then maybe my barmitzpah (I'm just kidding about the last bit, well, mostly kidding). 
It's a little weird because you need an invitation to be part of it. But basically you just need to ask an currently obsessed peep to refer you and bam – you're addicted. It's super. I've already found my dream house, dream husband (and dressed him), and found my next 5 pairs of Toms...oh, and a few other things. It's completely solved the problem of having too much free time on my hands. It's definitely all Pinterest time now.



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