The influence of music

I love music.

Shocker, right? I thought I'd say it just in case you have missed that somewhere along the line. I don't think I could imagine my life without it. Music has its roots in every culture and it's as unique as the person listening to it. I don't know how you can be wrong with music. It's is perfect within it's own context. As with everything – not all music is right for the moment. You wouldn't slow dance to Pantera (or maybe you would) and you wouldn't walk out of your wedding to Puddle of Mud's “I hate everything about you”...atleast I hope not.

I mostly love how it's so emotional. It can influence how you feel about something. It can lighten a mood or make it darker, intensify a situation or change how you feel about something. Movies use it all the time. Epic scores and soundtracks are used to create intensity in a battle scene or make love seem eternal in a romance.

It can even make us feel like doing something we normally would not want to do. Like skydiving. Which brings me to the point of today's M2. It's been a really busy couple of weeks and I have fallen behind in my posts – hopefully that will get better once we hit the warmth of Jamaica. But I watched a video today that made me want to go base-jumping. Yeah, base-jumping. Me – the, “not on God's green earth” person. But this video is surreal and the music is inspiring. It makes me feel like I'm missing out by staying on the ground without a parachute strapped to my back. It makes me want to find out how you get to be one of those floating, happy, serene people tearing through the sky and through mountains looking like flying squirrels. And I credit all of this to the music.

Experience Freedom from Betty Wants In on Vimeo.

See what I mean? Now – play the video again with Disturbed's Stupify on and you get ripped back to reality...the reality where you say – Yup, I'm definitely much happier letting all the stupid people jump out of planes with nylon capes hoping that they checked everything perfectly...because plenty of bad things happen to well-prepared, smart, well-meaning people in the world. And those guys are just tempting Murphy's Law.

My thanks go out to Disturbed. It's bands like you that keep this girl grounded and not splattered across the face of a mountain.


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